Joe Megacz

Life, in Retrospect

Lessons of Life “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). — Joe Megacz In Ecclesiastes chapters ten, eleven, and twelve, Solomon looks back on his life and what lessons the years have taught him. Beginning in chapter ten, Solomon presents his observations, from personal experience, on growing old. Having already declared numerous times that all material gain is vanity, Solomon recognizes that, on the other hand, a person’s reputation for wisdom and honor is a lasting and []

Jesus’ Biography and Character

The Life of Christ “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God” (John 1:1). by Joe Megacz Listen to audio  The story of the Life of Christ (from the Greek christos, meaning “anointed”) technically begins at Jordan, when Jesus was baptized and begotten, or anointed, with the holy Spirit at age thirty. At that moment, Jesus became Jesus Christ, Jesus the anointed. But in a very real sense, the Life of Christ began much earlier, long before even []

Zechariah’s Eight Night Visions

Zechariah “I lifted up mine eyes and saw” (Zechariah 1:18, 2:1, 5:1, 6:1 RVIC). by Joe Megacz Listen to audio  In this article, we will consider the visions Zechariah saw, all in one night, and see in them a thumbnail sketch of the Divine Plan of the Ages. These visions are highly symbolic. Some of them can have more than one interpretation. Vision One: Horses among Myrtle Trees (Zechariah 1:7-17) In this first vision God shows Zechariah the end from the beginning []