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In the Beginning

Through the Eyes of the Master

2013 – Mar/April Issue – Article 1

The Memorial season is a special time for remembering the life and sacrifice of our Lord. From year to year his life is studied from various perspectives. In this issue specific people and events are examined as Jesus may have viewed them. Because this approach may entail some minor speculative thinking, some of the thoughts presented are in the form of suggestions and possibilities. However, this approach may also provide some beneficial insights.

“His Natural Family” examines the characters of Joseph and Mary in order to better understand why God chose them to nurture the early life of Jesus. A consideration of Jesus’ brethren suggests that there may have been some sibling rivalry that, at first, prevented them from seeing Jesus as more than a brother. This, however, was overcome as we see them in the upper room on the day of Pentecost.

“His Disciples” observes that seven of the apostles were fishermen by trade. Was there something special about fishermen that drew Jesus to them? The apostle Thomas, so well known for his “doubting,” is discussed in a broader light. Then there were the women disciples whose love and devotion is described.

“Miracles of Compassion” attempts to see the miracles of Jesus through his own eyes. Human suffering evoked in him a tender response. He saw his miracles as small glimmers of what was to come in his kingdom. His power over nature as he calmed the storm, and over the demons as he cast them out of people, demonstrated the divine authority that he would someday possess.

“Jewish Leadership and the Children” draws the stark contrast between what Jesus observed in the corrupt leadership of the Pharisees and Sadducees and the innocence of children. In the purity of children we see simple and yet profound lessons for the followers of Jesus.

“The Betrayer and Denier” again draws a contrast as Jesus dealt with the sins of Judas and Peter. The betrayal by Judas was the culmination of many years of heart-hardening behavior. Peter’s denial, on the other hand, was the result of the fallen flesh’s propensity to fear.

“His Last Days” discusses how Jesus viewed the multitude as they heralded him King of Israel. What occupied Jesus’ mind in these last crucial days is analyzed.

“His Last Hours” describes Jesus’ ordeal while on the cross. He was mocked and challenged from three different sources. The priests mocked his son-ship. The Romans mocked his king-ship. The thieves mocked his messiah-ship. He endured such cruelty because he loved them all. Hallelujah, what a Savior!

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